Empowering Women and Girls

We are dedicated to empowering women and girls worldwide, fostering positive change within communities.


Liberating Communities through Women

By uplifting and supporting them, we pave the way for brighter futures and stronger communities. Together, we can break the chains of inequality and unlock potential.

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Through our unwavering commitment to empowering women and girl children, we aim to create a ripple effect that leads to the liberation and flourishing of entire communities. Join our movement and become a champion of change today.

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Champions of Change


Sustainability and impact for women & the girl child

Years of foundation
0 +

Through our project we crave for sustainability and impact as we approach each project with clear objectives in mind while partnering with passionate likes minds to see its full potentials.


Getting an education is not just a fundamental human right but a must.

Medical Outreach

With many health facilities suffering chronic shortages of critical drugs, most patient die of easily curable diseases


Empowering women through skill acquisition appears to be one of the potent options in this empowering drive.


In Africa, there seems to be an absence of a long-standing culture of mentorship.

Message from our Founder

I am delighted with what we are building around the globe. A world where women and girl child capacities are stretched to its maximum, developed and mentored so that their potentials aren’t just tapped by their families alone but the world at large.

Some years ago, Icon of Change initiative began a journey of creating a network of change makers, in community of active and impact driven women and young girls around the world, because we believed that “an improved mind is rooted in core value that guides decision making and shape the work they do”, that is why when others are asleep, we think deeply to know how best our action can be beneficial to this woman that are our beneficiaries.

We are excited with the impact we have made thus far, which has indirectly impacted over 3000 women and directly supported more than 500 women with sustainable approaches through our projects and program across different states in Nigeria and Ghana.

We strive to create a safe and respectful environment for women and young girls where we support each other in our struggles for recovery, and the confidence to move towards self-actualization. That is why through our project at ICON, we ensure that we maintain cordial relationship with our beneficiaries because as a beneficiary, you automatically become our family.

I believe together with your support and sponsorship, we can create a more inclusive society for women and girls across the world, thanks for your endless support.

We are excited to begin the official launching of icon of change in the united states September 2023.

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