Our Effect.

Our Impact

Brave individual and collective action can make that world a reality

Over the years, ICON has impacted more than 5000 women and girls in different communities directly and indirectly through our various projects of sustainable goals. Our approach has fostered a beneficial relationship between our team and the beneficiary community.

The Mempeasem/Pumpside Community

Rural communities in West Africa has a daunting challenges on the capacity to deliver consistent and quality water and sanitation services as well as to make improvements toward the water and sanitation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, and Ghana isn’t left out in this map. In Ghana many citizens lack access to good source of water and sanitation services. Furthermore, cities in this country struggle to accelerate their service delivery to meet the SDG target for universal quality, accessibility and availability. Mempeasem/ Pumpside, a rural community in Ghana which is largely dominated by widows and single mothers and also major in the production of palm oil as their source of income and livelihood are badly hit in this context as they search for a good living condition. On our team’s visit, we observed that the community lack good source of water after interviewing some of the residents in the community. After hearing the plight and the sufferings that this resident were going through just to get good water for consumption and daily usage, we grew much interest at heart to support the community in the best way we can because water as they say is life. We took it as a necessity to provide a good water channel that will serve the Mempeasem/ Pumpside community by digging a WELL that is serving the community till date.