What We Do

Our Projects

Our foundation reaches out majorly to women and young girls by providing leadership trainings and structural support

Sustainability and impact
for women & the girl child

Through our project we crave for sustainability and impact as we approach each project with clear objectives in mind while partnering with passionate likes minds to see its full potentials.

Getting an education is not just a fundamental human right. It is pivotal to the increasing employment and income opportunities. It is a fundamental to breaking the cycle of poverty. Education is crucial as it is an investment in human capacity.

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With many health facilities suffering chronic shortages of critical drugs, most patient die of easily curable diseases, just like malaria, which has killed more than a million people in Africa and still counting due to untimely access to appropriate and affordable medicines and other health services.

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Empowering women through skill acquisition appears to be one of the potent options in this empowering drive. Self-reliance and empowerment for women has been the center of agitations for gender balance in Africa.

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In Africa, there seems to be an absence of a long-standing culture of mentorship. However, the combination of informal and formal components of mentorship relations is fundamentally essential, especially for those who wish to progress in their own career ambitions.

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