Our Project.

Medical Outreach

We collaborate with different medical practitioners to bring this medical facility to the doorstep of our host communities

Fewer than 50% of Africans have access to modern health facilities. Many African countries spend less than 10% of their GDP on health care even as there is shortage of trained health care professionals. With many health facilities suffering chronic shortages of critical drugs, most patient die of easily curable diseases, just like malaria, which has killed more than a million people in Africa and still counting due to untimely access to appropriate and affordable medicines and other health services. Without access to medicines, Africans are susceptible to the three big killer diseases on the continent: malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Several factors inhibit access to medicines, but the major ones according to the WHO, are the shortage of resources and lack of skilled personnel.

As part of ICON drive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 on health, our team of change makers in Ghana visited some nearby communities across same geographical area where we were informed by some residents that, for them to get a normal checkup, they have to walk long distances to nearby cities which cost them a lot of money and sometimes they don’t get access to the medical practitioners. And for this gap to be narrowed, ICON of Change collaborated with different medical practitioners to bring this medical facility to the doorstep of our host communities, increase their access to health facility, sensitized them on importance of health education and also to save them from the trauma of self-medication. As a change maker, we ensured they were sensitized, diagnose and treated from different medical related issues by our medical partners.